Version 2

[This is version 2 of H|p-H0p Dec^f. Recognize.]

Saturday, February 20, 2016

GZ^ - L|qu|d Sw0rds (clean)

In case you have to be sold on this, read this.  I personally guarantee this is the best clean version of this ever created.

Don't stop - Git it, git it!

Coming Soon: Qw=l + M^ker 


  1. Question: Does this one still have the n-word in the songs too? Because, that's the cuss word they say the most, and I REALLY want a version without the n-word in it. Thanks. (If you could remove the n-words from this, that'd be absolutely awesome. Thanks again.)

    1. Follow-up, months later: It turns out that my wish had come true before it had been made.
      I love this album now, thanks a lot. :)
